Cerridwen Fallingstar

Cerridwen Fallingstar

CERRIDWEN FALLINGSTAR A new website, brand identity, ebook development, book launch trailer, and marketing for an Author.  CLIENT OVERVIEW Cerridwen Fallingstar is an Award-winning author who has taught classes in magic and ritual for over forty years. Nicole has...
Center for Student Credit Card Education

Center for Student Credit Card Education

Center for Student Credit Card Education, Inc. (CSCCE) UI design/ eLearning Course Development CLIENT OVERVIEW A successful and effective interactive 10-lesson educational website that has been up and educating students for the past 8 years. In 2010, I was contracted...
Gifts from The Well

Gifts from The Well

Gifts from the Well Art Direction / Web Design/Development This is a passion project of mine and a digital sandbox which also acts as my sharing platform. I’m not a fan of social media but needed a place to share so I created this website as a way to share my...
Santa Clara University Kiosk Interactive Map

Santa Clara University Kiosk Interactive Map

Santa Clara University Interactive Kiosk map & Web page Santa Clara University UI design/ Interactive Map Development CLIENT OVERVIEW In collaboration with MPM, Nicole developed the interactive building tour for the Santa Clara University website. As the Art Director...
Destination Science

Destination Science

Destination Science Educational eLearning Application  CLIENT OVERVIEW 2008-09 WEB APPLICATION DESTINATION SCIENCE for Houghton Mifflin HarcourtFLASH animation, Action Script, Educational Design, UI Design PROJECTS:Interactive flash animations for educational science...