by nicoletostevin | Jan 15, 2013
CERRIDWEN FALLINGSTAR A new website, brand identity, ebook development, book launch trailer, and marketing for an Author. CLIENT OVERVIEW Cerridwen Fallingstar is an Award-winning author who has taught classes in magic and ritual for over forty years. Nicole has...
by Nicole Tostevin | Jan 8, 2012
Center for Student Credit Card Education, Inc. (CSCCE) UI design/ eLearning Course Development CLIENT OVERVIEW A successful and effective interactive 10-lesson educational website that has been up and educating students for the past 8 years. In 2010, I was contracted...
by Nicole Tostevin | Aug 25, 2010
Gifts from the Well Art Direction / Web Design/Development This is a passion project of mine and a digital sandbox which also acts as my sharing platform. I’m not a fan of social media but needed a place to share so I created this website as a way to share my...
by Nicole Tostevin | Jan 8, 2010
Santa Clara University Interactive Kiosk map & Web page Santa Clara University UI design/ Interactive Map Development CLIENT OVERVIEW In collaboration with MPM, Nicole developed the interactive building tour for the Santa Clara University website. As the Art Director...
by Nicole Tostevin | Jul 9, 2009
Destination Science Educational eLearning Application CLIENT OVERVIEW 2008-09 WEB APPLICATION DESTINATION SCIENCE for Houghton Mifflin HarcourtFLASH animation, Action Script, Educational Design, UI Design PROJECTS:Interactive flash animations for educational science...